




The beginning is always the hardest, knowing nothing of the future, being clumsy all the steps ahead. Not having to think about much, just letting days go by but still enjoying parts of it.


Catching an eye, catching a glimpse of something becomes more and more interesting. You want more. You start to like it. You ask for more. Adventure it’s winning its name.


You begin to discover. You unwrap words, things, humans, you go deeper and start to swim in the lake. You repeat so that you can’t forget.


Moving steps forward attracts desire, it attracts lust and you crawl to what your heart is dictating you to. The whispers in your head get louder and controlling them become more difficult.


You design intensity and devotion towards others. You crave for more because the heart is leading you in a way that you like it, your body likes it and keeps asking for more.


One form of the outcome. The powerful message of lust and love stands behind this word. Red says everything, probably  this is why it is the most powerful breaking point or climax. Maybe this is why it is said that red is about power.


You discover the sea and swim deeper. The sweat drops all over your body mean that you have reached a point where you can’t go back, or maybe you don’t even want to turn back. You consume it, you let it end so that later you can start off again.


Left alone in the dark gets you confused. Dark times ahead are haunting you. Playing with demons, being called names , being put price tags and labels. You start counting fears, and after play in the mirror with depressions. You get cold.


You accept. You accept that during these times, you become someone and that your experience has brought you where you stand right now. You stand at the current state full of greatness. You have made it.


You count your blessings and you count your lessons from your past. You accept your healed wounds and you are ready to make new ones so that the achievements will get bigger and you will become more proud of yourself for growing this much.


You become the ocean, peaceful on the surface, only sometimes nervous and turning into a storm, but on the inside.. a fortune, abundance, gold of nature. Your peace of mine wins every time and controls you.


You have conquered.


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